MTT trades are best used for 7-45 days whereas new reports are nonstop provided
Profit and/or gains could easily be transferred into your Foundation Coins, or re traded over and over within the 7 - 45 day period
The recommended rule is to trade between 5 and 10 coins at any given time, and roll profits over continuously
Medium Term Trades are different than Long Term Trades where trades are normally 30, 60, 19 and 180 days long.
Analysis of fast-moving cryptocurrencies that has the potential to outperform Bitcoin
Daily Private Telegram Updates consisting of major news events, ready to move coins, indicating entry and exit points in a easy to read chart format
Interactive weekly private Zoom calls which are recorded, including Q&A from members
Weekly PDF Reports consisting of the top MTT Cryptocurrencies we follow, with clear entry, buy and sell targets
Additional Special Coin Picks not within the PDF report, posted on Telegram
Data is easy to understand, simple while entry and exit points are clearly explained
Webinar Time Schedule
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